The numbering: method of marking color the new attitude

Home » The numbering: method of marking color the new attitude concept, has chosen for color the new attitude and for milk_shake, the international code numbering for the marking of the color shades. The color of hair, both natural or artificial, is identified in two parameters:

  1. the depth of color (lighter or darker), named levels,
  2. the tone, which identifies the particular reflex in each color level.

To obtain perfect results in the world of the cosmetic color, the hairdresser has to keep in consideration the natural level of the hair and the existing tone prior to coloring, as this influences the color result.



To classify the level of a color ( depth or intensity) lets follow this chart:

2.darkest brown

3.dark brown

4.medium brown

5.light brown

6.dark blonde

7.medium blonde

8.light blonde

9.very light blonde

10.platinum lightest blonde

The tone

The type of reflex is indicated by a number that follows the comma, it can be of one or due numbers. In the case where it is indicated by two numbers, the first indicates the predominant or primary tone, while the second indicates the undertone or secondary tone. If the first number is “0”, it indicates that the number following shows the tone lightly.

—- natural series

, + natural plus

,01 natural ash series

,03 natural warm series

,e   natural exotic series

,3   gold series

,4   copper series

,5   mahogany series

,6   red series

,7   violet series

B   fantasy black


900   ultra light blonde

1000 ultra very light blonde


The variation of color depth, on the same level and on different tone series, is derived from the influence of the present tone. Every color on the same level is equal in depth and has the same lifting and depositing action; only the type of tone determines the final result.


When preparing the color it’s advisable to keep in mind the following things:

  • different type of tones could appear lighter or darker depending on the quantity of light reflection. Warmer the tone, more light it reflects, therefore the tone will appear lighter. On the contrary,  colder the tone, less light it reflects, therefore the tone appears darker.
  • porous hair, permed or damaged, normally absorbs a lot of color creating a darker result, more dull, deep and it refuses warm tones.
  • the tone of the applied color will appear more visible on gray hair than on natural pigmented hair, therefore keep in mind this factor when formulating the color, if very vibrant colors are not desired
  • the use of an oxidizer H2O2 at low volumes creates, to the appearance, a more intense deposit of color due to the minimum lifting action.

The color chart simplifies the analysis, helps to foresee the results, facilitate the communication between the hairdresser and the client. Is a tool which stimulates the possibility of changes, allows to visualize never imagine alternatives, so it promotes the color service and its diverse and multiple possibilities.

Always keep in mind that the color swatches are simply a reference to visualize the depth and type of tone of a color shade, and not the final result. (view last paragraphs of “the nature of hair color”)

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